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laser power supply造句

"laser power supply"是什么意思  
  • Remote control system for high voltage laser power supply based on can bus
  • 60w laser power supply
  • laser power supplies, module power supplies, fully-encapsulated power / voltage / current transformers
  • This paper gives a description of discharge tube, mirror, laser head and laser power supply of an air cooling argon laser which output is over 1w, and shows its properties
  • The laser power not only makes the co2 laser tube starting easily, gives the full scope to the function of it, but also improves the radiation efficiency, prolongs the service life of laser tube and laser power supply
  • Introduction of laser power : high ? frequency co2 laser power supply has the advantages of high-efficiency, high frequency ( response quickly ), small volume, light weight, convenient operation, complete protecting function . unique protecting function greatly improves the laser power reliability
  • The technology of high frequency of switching power supply " 20 khz power supply technique revolution " that brings, not only in the direct current steady power supply field to play the predominant position, at the field of many industry power supply such as the electric arc machine, the high frequency inductive to heat, the aviation power supply, and the laser power supply etc ., but also got the extensive application with the development
  • It's difficult to see laser power supply in a sentence. 用laser power supply造句挺难的
如何用laser power supply造句,用laser power supply造句laser power supply in a sentence, 用laser power supply造句和laser power supply的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。